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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Some harmful effects of obesity

Weight loss, from a simple perspective, reducing the total weight of the body, usually with less fluid, body fat and other mineral deposits of bones in the human body. Weight loss may occur accidentally or not, to a disorder or disease in the body. For example, type-1 diabetes, it is not true in most cases can lead to the body's activities, contributing to the loss of fat and lean mass, leading to a reduction significant total body weight. Other factors such as lack of fluid, HIV, the use of certain medications and even fidgeting can mean the loss of liquid due to the significant loss of body weight.
intentional weight loss refers to the reduction of the total mass of the body to try to improve physical fitness, general well-being and / or appearance. Some people use dietary guidance to achieve this objective or other artificial methods. People shed weight for a variety of other reasons, by the desire to ensure the likelihood of developing illnesses that are entitled to certain standards for participation in a sport or simply for reasons of the sport, or physically attractive.

people subscribe to the techniques of weight loss, because a number of health, physical, psychological and social problems that are of themselves as obese. It is believed that obese people are on the following questions:
- diseases of cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders, hypertension, diabetes, infertility problems and pregnancy, physical and a number of other health problems.
- mental health problems manifest in the form of a general dissatisfaction, stress, low self-esteem and a sense of insecurity.
- obese people are considered appropriate for surgical complications.
- May obese people do not have the energy or socialize as a result of real or perceived prejudice in the community against them. Some employers often equate obesity with laziness, disease, and attractiveness.
- It turns out that obese people at greater risk of damage due to restrictions of movement that makes them less able to avoid accidents.
- In many cases, insurance premiums paid by overweight individuals for various insurance coverages.

The good news is that there is a real weight loss products have proven their work, and it is just about always or information to function properly, and you're on your way to lay that on the masses and tissues.

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